What is home?

What do we do when we come home from an official function like a wedding? The first thing I do is to take off the suit and get into something comfortable, and then sit down and relax. Home is all about that feeling of being accepted as who you are without having to dress up or to act a role. I have lived in Boston only for 2 years, but that brief stay with colleagues at Harvard and MIT struck something deep inside me to prove that home can be in multiple places and it can get into us faster than we think. This time, on my way to ICRA2022 in Philadelphia, I stopped over at Boston to see some friends in person after a long time of isolation during the pandemic. Rather than staying at hotels, I chose to stay with friends. This is Maurice Smith, a Professor of Bioengineering at Harvard University. We were together at Johns Hopkins when I was a postdoc and Maurice was a MD/PhD candidate. Then he gave me a visiting position back in 2006 when things in Sri Lanka was not going well for m...