Nature, mind, and body

The other day I was going for a walk with my wife Visakha in Llanbedrog beach and hills in Wales. We saw a group of kids building a small pool in a stream by making their own anicut out of sand and rocks. They had such fun in their own natural pool. What is the price tag of that happiness brought without expensive "stuff"? When we grow older, however, we often find ourselves giving excuses to do regular workout, stretches, and to be with nature. We let go of our freedom in certain ways and confine ourselves indoors. Nature offers magical sensations to heal our minds, provides the space to reflect on things that bother us, and sometimes provides clues for ground-breaking ideas. We evolved in natural habitats. Therefore, a part of the "wisdom" that makes us happy and competitive is in natural woody areas themselves. I am 52 years old as of 2023. I practice karate as a sport regularly because it allows me to challenge my own mind and body. The at...