Karate for a productive life
The way of Karate The story goes on to say that the roots of Karate started in India and moved its way down to Okinawa with the trail of Buddhism. Karate developed to the present systematized form in the 17th century in Okinawa. After Okinawa was annexed to Japan and carrying weapons was banned, Okinawan warriors secretly assembled in Buddhist temples to study their own body and mind through meditation and physical exercises. What resulted through a long process of perfection was an art that is now shared by the entire world for its benefits in daily life. To fully understand Karate, one has to understand traditional Japanese culture. In this short blog, I will try to elaborate some karate concepts through some traditional Japanese ways of life based on my 5 year experience as a graduate student. Please take what you like to improve your life just like we took this tradition from Japan and made it part of our lives. The Okinawan warriors ...