National importance of our research
When we write UK research grants, we have to write some facts relating our research goals to UK National priorities. I write this note because this section can force us to be narrow-minded and miss the whole point of why we should do research. There are 7 billion people in this world now. While some people see this large population to be a problem, some other people see this as a massive opportunity. For instance, if you manage to solve a common problem faced by lets say 4 billion people out of 7 billion, and pave the way to a commercial product that can make just 1-pence of profit per person per day on average, that product makes 365p * 4 billion per year. That is £14.6 billion of profit per year. However, these common problems that make such low profit margins are so mundane like making a self-sharpening pencil, better box of matches, better soap, etc, and most people may not notice the fundamental research that can lead to such products. Even if they see it, they will give ...